Britten Hymn to St Cecilia

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: News
Posted By: Joi Demery
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 15 Mar 2023

Saturday March 25th 
Bristol Cathedral 

Bristol Choral Society's Spring concert is devoted to the music of Benjamin Britten. If you do not know these pieces, you're in for a great treat.  From quiet, peaceful whispers in the choral parts, through to loud bursts of energy - Britten's music is full of  humour, passion and melody.  

Not only will you be able to enjoy the full force - and the quiet energy -  of the full choir, but the evening will also include solo performances from Edward Grint (Bass), Robert Jenkins (Tenor), Emily Wenman (Soprano) and Katie Bray (Alto). Accompanied by Martin Ford, they will perform Canticle II for Alto and Tenor, plus an intriguing piece called 'Tit for Tat' (Bass solo and piano). 

BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW online at or call Bristol Beacon 0117 203 4040 Tickets £11 to £28, under 25s £5