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This coming year is going to be exciting, as we get back to performing concerts in the Bristol Beacon, and is a great moment to join the choir.
Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings 7.15 - 9.30pm in Broadmead Baptist Church. The entrance is on Union Street, BS1 3HY and is easily reachable via public transport. All ages are welcome and we are proud of having a wide age-range of singers in the choir.
Our dynamic musical director, Hilary Campbell always starts us off with a great warm up and we are fortunate to be accompanied by our assistant musical director, Steven Kings. We are also joined by our cannine member, Hilary's dog Fizzy!
We are currently rehearsing the wonderful Verdi Requiem for our next concert on March 16th in Bristol Beacon.
So if you think you might be interested and would like to sing some Verdi, why not come to our open rehearsal on Wednesday 24th January?
You can just turn up at 7.00pm, Broadmead Baptist Church and you will provided with a score if you need it and are guaranteed a friendly welcome.
If you would like more information about the open rehearsal then you can email our chorus manager and for general information about joining the choir follow the link here.